I am not living in NYC at the moment, but I am looking to move back as soon as the ink dries on my diploma. (No offense, Jersey, but I just don't love you like I love NYC!)
photo credit: brokentrinkets
Check out the NYC Comptroller's MTA Cuts Web Application - How will cuts affect your neighborhood?If the economy improves and/or there's a billion or three dollars magically found by the MTA, we'll then have to face the effects of a lack of maintenance, job cuts and service cuts. Can we eliminate entire subway lines and bus routes today, then turn around two or five years later and expect them to work just like they did before we hit the switch?
photo credit: senorjerome
Additionally, we have to solve this conflict about how the MTA is funded versus what reality looks like - dedicated annual funding is important, as well as the flexibility to use funds for operations and capital improvements as the agency sees fit. The MTA must also look into how to fund new and expanded subway and train lines (Can I get a subway directly from the Bronx to Queens to Brooklyn? Or the full 2nd Avenue Subway?). Rail transit has more influence on how to impact future growth - because it is permenant and dedicated right of ways ensure speed and quality of service. So let's get on with it, keep the existing service and finance expanded service for a better New York.
I was watching "Extreme Engineering: Subways in America" the other day and they focused mainly on what is now the MTA subway service. The amount of disrepair the system was in before should be a lesson that shouldn't have to be learned again. They should find the money somehow - that's what finance is all about. I don't live in NYC, but I do like to visit and don't want to feel like my only option for transit is dangerously in ill repair.
Good point, calvary. Disrepair does lead to fewer riders ... and that means lower revenues, which means less money for repairs. It is a never ending cycle!
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